Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Anger in it's finest form

Hey gang,

I have finally felt inspired to add to this page.  After completing my first semester of university, I feel like my creativity is flowing and my opinions are strong.  It's amazing how far I've come in those two things in the last year alone.  

There are a couple of things that have been taking up brain space in the last couple of months or so and it doesn't feel like it's leaving any time soon.  Last semester, my work focused on race and identity; two things I have strong connections with in my life.  Also now with all the controversy surrounding certain Aboriginal people and what people are saying.  It's slowly starting to drive me mad. 

The first thing I want to say about this topic is that people need to get their facts straight and research before you say anything in regards to this.  In my opinion, if you are not educated on this topic and you are choosing to be ignorant about it then you have absolutely no right to talk about it in a way that makes you sound 'correct'.  This is something that I am seeing a lot on social media as well.  People just commenting on articles to put their two cents in to feel included in such a demanding topic; need to know their facts.  Or even not bothering to read the article they are commenting on, drives me insane.  

I think the one major thing that really grinds my gears is when people say that there is more important things going on in the world and that is more worth reporting on.  Okay, yes, there are always going to be things that are happening in the world such as massacres, bombings and other horrific things.  But at the same time the topic of racism and discrimination is going to be relevant for probably longer then I will live for.  It's always been apart of my world and I think it always will be.  

Racism is never going to go away and that's a fact.  It will always be relevant and definitely worth reporting on, even if it is a flash mob in an unsuspecting city.  I totally agree with free speech and expressing your opinions but when they are hurtful, discriminatory, uneducated paragraphs of utter bullshit that is when you need to stop speaking, even stop typing and go educate yourself please.  You will do everyone a favour if you do.   

Just please get educated before you speak about something you know nothing about.

I could literally talk about it for a very long time but this is going to have to do for now.

Thanks for reading

Night xo     

Thursday, 11 June 2015


Hey gang,

So I've been on a little bit of a hiatus... Totally unintentional but I was unsure if I still wanted to continue even using this site let alone express my thoughts and daily happenings to people of the web.  

A lot has happened over the last nine months.  Probably too much to talk about in one post but I'll try and list a couple of things that I have done 
- Finished my gap year at Grammar
- Went to Falls Festival over New Years
- Had some little adventures with friends
- Passed my Ps driving test
- Got into art school and college in Melbourne
- Completed semester one of university
And many more things that I can not remember at the moment. I had a lot of fun over the last nine months.  I've met some amazing people, had some great times and many more fun things to remember. 

I reread my favourite book, Looking For Alaska by John Green, which was very interesting the second go round.  I noticed many new things, and it brought up many memories and feelings I had during the first time I read it in year 11(2012). A lot of things have happened to me in between then and now. 

I just don't know, so much stuff has happened that I don't know where to start. What to talk about, what pictures to post, I just don't know.  

I thought about starting a youtube channel doing makeup or either a video diary type thing like Tyler Oakley. The only thing is that I don't really have that much time during the week but I don have a lot of time during exam time because I do most of my work during semester.  I'm just not sure.  I'm also very insecure about being on camera, hence why I started this.  I've wanted to go on youtube for so long but I just can't bring myself to do it. 

Anyway, I'm going to Indigenous uni games soon which will be awesome, then home after that.  I'm really looking forward to going home as I haven't been home since February.  Yes I know, it's been a while. I'm looking forward to sleeping in my bed and looking up at the stars on my roof, looking forward to driving by myself and just being at home. 

I'm thinking of cutting my hair again.  My hair is starting to get too long and annoying now but I don't know.  I tried dying it bring purple a couple of weeks ago but sadly it just went a really dark shade of purple.  Classic black hair problems. I might go to the hairdresser back home and get it done.  But who knows. 

Any way, night peoples

Marley xx